However, I heard a saying once that you CHOOSE not to be a morning person.
So....let me rephrase that opening statement.
I CHOOSE not to be a morning person.
I'm sitting here, drinking coffee, quietly laughing to myself (after I slow down my breathing from walking on the treadmill...and yes, I should be drinking water...this is all important to this post).
This ALLLLLL has to do with making and breaking habits.
1. Bryce & I, for 18 months, walked almost every night. I'm talking mileage, 2-5 miles. And I'm talking ALMOST every night, which means pretty much every night.
Since the beginning of October, we have walked maybe 10 times. And, since I've been craving cereal every night (no, I am NOT pregnant...that factory has burned down, my friends), I have pretty much gained back every pound, plus a couple.
That AWESOME habit we had has been broken and trying to make it a habit again is like pulling teeth, hence the morning person statement. That time, really, would be IDEAL for walking. We could get up, drink a little coffee and go walk in the glorious, cold morning and BE DONE. Or, we could actually go after Bryce gets off of work, like we used to. BUT IT'S HARRRRRRRRD. (That is meant to sound whiny).
By the time he is off of work, I'm usually in my comfy clothes and relaxing/painting.
I WANT to make this a habit again, so what I've started doing (and I'm on DAY ONE, so let's see if I can keep it up), is making a point to put WALK 5 MINUTES in my to-do list, after every five things done. And so far, today, I have. We have a manual treadmill that is at a permanent incline, so I have to literally keep walking. It doesn't do it for me. I put on a song, around 4 1/2-5 minutes long and just do it.
2. There was a short period of time when I was drinking water periodically through the day. As much as I should be? No. But still...I was drinking it.
I've noticed, over the last week, I've been getting headaches toward the late afternoon/evening and have noticed they go away if I drink a lot of water. I'm actually dehydrating myself A LOT. Instead of drinking water, I get coffee. I'm really NOT drinking a ton of coffee during the day because I'm only filling up my smaller cups about 1/2 way, but I'm NOT drinking any water.
I WANT to make this a habit, so I've literally put it in my to-do list too. I think I've peed like 20 times today, but no head ache.
3. I like sleeping. I've always liked sleeping. There has never been a time, except when I was working outside of the home and going to school, that I have been a morning person. I'm not as grumpy as I was when I was a kid, but I still roll out of bed, take my time, come down all sleepy eyed, get coffee and give hugs.
I would really LIKE to start my day earlier....and I'm TRYING!!! But man, it's so easy to snooze that alarm on my phone.
Already tried making the alarm obnoxious. I snooze it/turn it off and go right back to sleep.
Already tried moving it across the room. I get up, snooze it/turn it off and go right back to bed.
Already tried staying up once I've gotten up, but I still gravitate toward the pillow.
But....I WANT to get up earlier. Notice I can't put this one on my to-do list!! HAHAHAHAHA!'re not alone. These are three easy things that I simply am having trouble with. We can make excuses all we want, but ultimately, we are CHOOSING to not/to do these things. I CHOOSE to drink coffee, I CHOOSE to not get up and I CHOOSE to stay in my comfy clothes.
I'm going to keep trying and I will fail, just like we all do at stuff, but I want to make/bring back some healthy habits! And today, today is day one of the rest of my life!
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