Wednesday, January 02, 2019


Hey, it's the beginning of new year and a new month.

So, here we are, day two into the new year. I'm not a person who believes in resolutions. I think, if you want to change your lifestyle or try something new, there's no better day than today. You will try and fail, but if you really want it, you'll work for it.

The whole "word of the year" struck me as odd, so I tried it last year. I chose the word "joy". I decided I was going to choose joy instead of sadness, anger, bitterness, etc.

Yeah. It worked....a lot. It really did. I mean, I still had bad days, bad weeks, but I could still wake up the next day and say, 'Okay, I'm going to try again. Today, I choose joy.'

Those of you who have been with me over the last year know how I needed to verbalize phrases every day to keep me on the right track. You'll be happy to know that I don't need to do that anymore. It comes naturally now.

Now, I've chosen a word for 2019 and that is "memories".

I want to make more memories with Bryce & the girls. I want to play more games, read to them, hear them read, watch movies, go on walks, go for bike rides, go for hikes, take more road trips, take more me & B trips, do more dates, daddy-daughter dates, mommy-daughter dates, go camping (real camping, y'all...).

I want to try to make photo album of this year and have too many things to choose from!

Last year, I struggled SO DAMN HARD against myself and for my marriage and to fight for what was given so freely to

We made SOME memories. We were better about it. But Bryce & I were still taking two steps forward and a gazillion back.

I know this year is going to be better. This year is going to be one of our best. I'm preparing to be more intentional with doing things, even little things.

And guess what? I'm going to suck at it sometimes!!! I'm going to fail. There will be times when I just downright fall flat on my face. But because my girls love me, my husband loves me and the grace that God gives so freely, I will be able to pick myself up and move along.

So...what's your word for 2019?

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