Sunday, October 21, 2018

And Then She Was 8

My baby. My youngest. My smallest (though not by much).

Today, she turned 8 and still remember the days I found out I was having another baby and when she was born. 

See, we like surprises, so we waited to find out what each of our babies were going to be. I knew FOR SURE this was going to be a boy. Well...they announced another girl and I thought, "What the heck?!"

Scarlet has kept us on her toes since then. This last year, we've seen her:

**grow 2 inches

**weigh more than her middle sister

**read more confidently

**grow one permanent front tooth (we've been waiting for one of those suckers for four years)

**do better cartwheels

**learn to rollerskate

**still sleep with Minnie

**start putting in her own ponytails

We celebrated her this weekend by having a super fun party at the park, pinata and all. We visited friends and had pizza at our town fair and we went to a cool, new farm per our October tradition. We loved it!

On her actual birthday, she brought cookies to her Sunday School, we ate out at Denny's (surprise) where she got a free meal AND free ice cream, played laser tag with Daddy, then went to another fun park to hang out with some church friends. We ended the evening with High Spirits (and maybe Daddy & I should have watched it first because I DEFINITELY didn't remember all of the sex comments they made....oops).

She completes our family, she brings out the fun, very emotional and I love her little one-toothed smile more than you can imagine!

Welcome to 8, Scarly Jo!

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