Monday, August 06, 2018

When The Chapter Is Over

One year ago today, unbeknownst to me, I spent my last Sunday on stage as the worship leader at our church.

One year ago today, I was blind to the person I had become.

One year ago today, I was becoming destructive.

I remember the sermon was spot on and I had taken notes. I had sat in the booth with Bryce during 1st service and listened. It was a series called The Daily Grind and I remember this particular one was making your job your life.

I remember thinking, "Oh man....I'm so glad I don't do that. This is good to know in case I start seeing warning signs."


I had already made my job my life. I was more devastated over that than hurting my family when everything rolled out.

I cried more over music than anything.

I look back now and think, "I was a mess. I was in a dark place and I was a freaking mess. I couldn't even see it."

I was making decisions for the next week thinking about only myself.

So, the chapter has closed. It is done, it is over. The year of firsts has finally been completed and I'm so glad to be moving on.

What do we do now? We LIVE. We live our life. We choose each other. We choose joy. We choose forgiveness. We choose redemption.

I encourage you to take your current circumstances and evaluate them. Look at them from every angle. Are you choosing the right path? Are you making decisions out of emotion or logic? Are you letting bitterness, fear or anger taking control or letting God lead you? And if you're in that dark place, reach out to someone and talk to them. It will be one of the best decisions you make.

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