You know, I've noticed that things that used to feel BIG to me aren't so big anymore.
It was a BIG deal for me to get out of the house every other day.
Why? Because I liked getting out of the house and doing whatever I wanted to. Also...because I was selfishly wanting time to myself rather than hanging out with my husband. I still like to get out, but I don't feel that need to be gone all of the time. Now, I miss him when he's gone (like right now, he's out rock climbing) and I don't mind hanging around the house in some leggins and a tank top...with coffee, of course.
Sundays were a BIG ordeal.
Why? Because that was my job! I was there at 7:45 AM until 1 PM every Sunday, sometimes heading back for a leadership meeting or a Meet the Pastor, maybe there were baptisms being held in the afternoon. Now, I have that day for me and my family. Sure, I miss the music aspect, but it's a nice change that I'm getting used to.
I would throw a BIG fit any time Bryce talked about moving out of our house.
Why? Because I loved our house. I loved our backyard. I didn't want to move anywhere else. That hasn't changed, but the fear of moving is gone. I'm actually at peace about moving to a different home, if that's what we decide to do. Sure, I'm going to be picky about it, but I'm not afraid of that change anymore.
I was a BIG time texting addict.
Why? Because I was ALWAYS wanting to be on my phone. Sometimes it was work, sometimes it wasn't. The one thing B was afraid of when I got my smartphone happened. Now, I still get on it, but when we're hanging out, it's set aside. I don't want it to come between us. He is too important to me.
I was a BIG time angry person.
Why? Because I would let my temper get the best of me. Want to hear a #truestory? When I first became the worship leader, if our pastor was trying to give me advice or constructive criticism, I would get so mad and leave our meeting by shutting his door hard!! At a church!! Isn't that awful??? Now, I still get angry, but I'm learning to look at every angle before I do anything. I try to respond rather than react. It still gets the best of me, but I'm starting to be a little (no height pun intended) angry!
Big things become little. I like it. Upside down and inside out. Turning into Wonderland.
And then...what about when little things become big?
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