Noticed there was no March or April review posts, yeah? Yeah.
March was great. It actually really was. We celebrated our anniversary by taking a much needed trip, celebrated Piper's 11th birthday, had my mom out for a week, lots of laughs, etc, etc.
April sucked. It really did. We fought more, like BIG time fought more. Easter was so low-key, but it was just a sad reminder that it was the first Easter since we've been in Utah that I wasn't singing. I didn't have a good birthday. It was an emotional rollercoaster and to top it off, my mom's house caught on fire on the very last day.
I'm SO glad it's over. May hasn't had the best start either, but it's been better than April so far.
I wanted to share something with you that is silly, but has a huge impact on me. It is something that gives me peace, thus creating a sanctuary for me.

This picture makes me so happy. I love my bed. B made it for us last year and I think it looks so cool. And I love the fact that my bed is made up. This one little thing, this thing that takes me 5 minutes to do, makes a huge impact on my day.
I know, it's silly. I know a lot of people who don't like making their beds, who don't make their beds at all or see it as a mundane chore. But I love it! Once my bed is made, it fills me not just with satisfaction, but a kind of peace.
See, I'm a messy person (inside and out). I'm not a great housekeeper. Sometimes my bedroom gets messy and it makes me feel....overwhelmed, cluttered, stressed, etc. But when it's picked up and the bed is made and the curtains are opened and birds are singing, I feel like all is well with my world.
Making my bed is the last piece each morning to creating my sanctuary. A sanctuary is a place of refuge or safety. It creates a feeling of peace and rest.
Don't get me wrong, we do a lot of our fighting and crying in that bedroom but that is because the bedroom is where we are most intimate and vulnerable. That's okay. It doesn't create any bad juju or anything like for me. It is still my sanctuary.
We all need a place like that. That place or space needs to make us feel peaceful.
I remember, growing up, going into my mom's room whenever I didn't feel well or sad. Her room was just so peaceful to me, while mine was chaotic. My girls tend to wander into my room to relax or read...I think it's because it feels peaceful to them too.
So whether it's a made bed or a book nook, the bathroom or working in the yard, find your sanctuary, the one place where you feel most at peace, the safest. Go there when you want rest and when you are troubled. I makes a HUGE difference!
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