Monday, August 22, 2016

The First Days of Firsts

Cue the music! I don't even care what kind! I just feel like music should be playing during this post.

Today was THE day. It was the first of firsts here at the Daugherty Hizzle.

We had
-the first day of school
-the first day of all three in school
-the first day of Scarlet's education
-the first day of a 4th grader
-the first day I didn't have three cups of coffee in the morning

But was a surprisingly good day.

This is what happens when you tell them to jump and they don't let go of each other.

Our morning may have started off a little stressful, but once we got everything dialed in, it was cake. Scarlet was so excited to start school, Samantha did NO complaining, which is unusual and Pip had it easy with orientations today.

Here's to a new school year and to many cups of coffee!

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