Monday, August 04, 2014

The Love Of A List

I'm a list maker.

I LOVE making lists.

I make lists for everything: what I need to do, what I want to do, what I SHOULD do. When should I wake up? Who is doing what today? How many books do I have? What meals am I making?

I have lists of girls names, lists of authors I like, lists of stuff I sold in an auction on World of Warcraft.

I seriously LOVE lists.

On my today, I put this: DON'T FORGET- prayer time.

Why do I need to put prayer time on my list? Isn't that something that I do often? Isn't that something that should just come naturally? How could you forget to pray?

Yes, I forget to pray. I forget to sit down and take a moment to thank God for Bryce's job so that we can put food on the table, to ask for healing for someone who is dying from cancer, to ask for patience.

I can easily forget that because it DOESN'T come easily to me. I can pray intermittently throughout the day. I can pray when I'm in the shower. I can pray when I'm watering the flowers. But I often forget because I get so wrapped up in me. Little old me takes up a lot of my thinking time.

So I add it on my list so I know that I will make the time to do it. That's not a bad thing. I want to find time to pray, so I put it on my list. Maybe one day it will come naturally, but after 14 years of being a Christian, I find that habits come and go. The only habit I have kept is drinking chai......hahahaha.

Put it on your list. It's okay if Jesus ends up between the milk and sweeping the floor.

P.S. If you look carefully at my list, you'll see one punctuation error and one spelling error.....I can't look at it. It's driving me crazy.

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