Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day One- Soreness, Soaring & Scoring

Let me just warn you....I have not crossed anything off of my list yet. But I have made a shopping list for a few things I need in regards to some of the simpler projects on my list.

No, sadly I did not wake up by 9 today; but I DID wake up at 9:30! Accomplishment nonetheless!

Now let's get on to the title of this post:

SORENESS- I have to admit, I'm a teensy bit sore from today's micro-workout session (30 second plank & 15 per leg lunges). Yes, I am horribly out of shape, but hey, it's all good in the neighborhood. I plan on staying sore for at least the next couple of days. I need to strengthen my foot-stomping leg (the left one) anyways for this awesome EASTER weekend!

SOARING- I have finally begun my flower garden! I didn't have one at our old house because there was literally NOTHING in the backyard. In SoCal, I had a great flower garden. Anyways, it was beautiful outside and there were birds everywhere. I kept stopping to watch them fly. It's amazing that God make so many different types of birds. It made me super happy to be outside and covered with dirt.

SCORING- I am getting a couple of dresses tomorrow for super cheap (thank you yard sale site) and am kind of excited about. Uh, I normally don't wear dresses or skirts, so this is me trying something new.

Maybe this post wasn't what you expected OR it was completely boring. You = bunker (long story).

Would this cheer you up?
I call this photo "Epic Awesomeness Daugherty Style".
Check it.


Laurie said...

Your kids are awesome. That's all there is to it!

Unknown said...

Please start wearing dresses and skirts so I won't be the only one. :)

Unknown said...
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