Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day Four- I Love What I Do & Do What I Love

This is me:

This is my job:

This is what I love doing:

And this is what I get to do every week:



I get to sing EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.

And not just that, but I get to be a part of an amazing team who gets why I do what I do. Because they're doing it too.

Not only are they my friends, but they are my family. We have cried together, we have laughed together and I've thrown things at a few of them (I love you guys)!

We are the body of Christ. We are serving Him by using what talents He has given us. We have that privilege, that honor. I have the unique privilege of leading them.

I make mistakes all the time and I've been in some tough, emotional situations. But this is where I feel called to be and I know that I am growing through Him.

So yes, I LOVE what I do and I do what I LOVE. And I am proud to give all that glory to Jesus.

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