Tuesday, November 29, 2016

DAY 26: And I Mostly Ironed Bandanas

I normally avoid ironing; not because I don't like it, but because I normally don't have time. I actually enjoy ironing very much and since I decided to do a massive amount of "clean out" laundry (season changing laundry), I got out ye olde ironing board.

And I mostly ironed bandanas. I like my bandanas folded a certain way and it's easier to keep them folded in my basket if they are crisp. These bandanas had sat in a laundry basket with other shirts/dresses for, ohhhhhhhh, maybe two weeks??

But it was so therapeutic. I loved every second. I used to iron B's work shirts back in the day; every Wednesday. The heat, the smell, the way the wrinkles disappeared. Every. Second. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Sometimes I just need to take a break. Maybe it's reading, knitting, drinking some coffee. Today, it was ironing.

I'm actually really busy. A REAL break doesn't come around too often when your kids are home all day long and they need you for answers, school, underwear, etc, etc. Don't get me wrong; I love it, but every mom needs a break.

And speaking of my kids.....

These two were pretending they were on an airplane today and I think I fell in love with them even more.

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