Tuesday, November 01, 2016


This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Well, I mean, yesterday was, but whatever!

Piper, Miss Alice of Wonderland

Sam, the scurviest pirate that sailed the Virgin River

Scarlet, the sweetest witch in the West

Kylie, cutie Tinkerbell

Kira, helloooo Disgust

Da Girrrlzzzz


Away we go!

Ready to hit up SMCC's Fall Fest

Our Mermicorn booth...and guess what...we WON MOST CREATIVE!!!


But the real winner is THIS guy right here!!

Overall, super fun Halloween! The girls got tons of candy and we had a lot of laughs as we played games in our booth!

You probably guessed by now that I'm embarking on another 30 days, 30 posts ordeal. This comes along with a daily encouragement:

Four years ago, our dear Wiebes lost their sweet baby Nate. While it was rotten all around, the comfort we took away from it was that Nate was with Jesus. Don't hold grudges, guys. Don't let the sun set on your anger. Take it one day at a time and don't hope for what the future brings. You never know how things are going to turn out. So don't take today for granted and hope for tomorrow. Find the hope in today.

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