Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Once Again, Only Scarlet...

This child.
I love her SO much.

She challenges me in ways my other two didn't. Patience, obedience, physically, mentally.

Today, we had quite the shock. Do you know what showed up at today's dentist appointment? AN ABSCESS.

Remember this and this?

And especially this?, we had to have her only front tooth pulled out today. I was NOT prepared at all. At least, the last time, we noticed the abscess and knew something might come of it. I didn't even know it was there this time and it was BIG.

Dentist: So, uh...we have a LITTLE abscess.

Me: Another one? Ugh.

Dentist: Well...yah, there it is.

Me: So...what do you want to do?

Dentist: Well, we can pull it out today or you can leave it, but you know that an abscess can cause damage to the adult tooth, the root, etc.

Me: Yah...I remember. Let me call Bryce, but I'm sure he will say to pull it.


And there you go. My sweet, sassy and sparky Scarly Jo is a TOOTHLESS WONDER and will be a sweet, sassy and sparky TOOTHLESS WONDER.......until her adult teeth come in, which should be around 7...that's two years away, just so you know.


I took her out for a treat because, let's be honest, that was a bit traumatic!

She's so beautiful and I'm going to love her sweet smile even more!

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