Saturday, August 01, 2015

Day One- Coffee Spot Amidst The Day

Do the day; don't let the day do you.

Not today. Oh, the day was in control of me, fo' sho'.

It started out innocently enough: my nephew's birthday party. The girls had a blast, they got to hang out with Josh & I got to play goofy golf with my littles. I had slept in, had a cup of coffee, a nice shower beforehand, so what? WHAT?

Then, headache of ALL headaches occurred.

i was crabby i was snippy i was sweaty i was achy
i was i was i was i was

My house needed cleaning, my girls needed loving, the hubby needed a stern talking to...just kidding. He was doing man-work in the backyard and I love him ever so much for doing it.

I was out of control.

So...I popped in Michael Jackson's Past, Future, Present...Billie Jean started playing, the aspirin kicked in and before I did anything, I sat down and enjoyed a cup of coffee.

The sun came out, the dishes were done, the laundry was swishing
and I?

I felt a lot better.

Thank you, coffee spot and aspirin. I heart you.

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