Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Day Five- Coffee & Chaos

Do you know what I did today? Nothing.
And I'm actually serious.
No cleaning, no errands; I dropped Pip & Scarly off at the pool, then went back home.
I made dinner, but did no dishes.
B did baths, I sponged off Sam, brushed teeth, bedtime.

But today felt so chaotic to me.

#1: I was TIRED. Sam had a rough night and so did I, since she was sleeping with me. I woke up to every sigh and barely woke up to her begging to go to the bathroom....MANY times last night. And don't forget drinks of water, which probably didn't help the MANY trips to the bathroom.

#2: I was tired and CRABBY. If you know me, you know I love sleep. And if you know I love sleep, then you know when I don't get much, I'm not happy....I'm crabby. You'd think my girls would know that by now! And when I did try to take a nap, my lovely oldest daughter decided to come in every five minutes and inform me of stuff.

#3: I had to carry Sam to and from the bathroom. Readjust her pillows. Food. Water. Ice pack. Do you need medicine? Do you want to take a nap? I wanted to take a nap! I'm a horrible nurse. I hate waiting around and that's what I did. Every time I would leave, I'd hear her calling. Did she love having a slave? Yes! Did I love being her slave?            

#4: Piper & Scarlet decided to turn into wild things as soon as we began skyping with my sister. What. The. Fro.

#5: No one was listening at bedtime. (I'm easily getting crabbier by the minute.)

#6: Girls are in bed, I'm at my comp. Sam is consistently crying- tied between needing to use the restroom (negatory almost every time she went) and that her leg hurts. She's trying to roll on her side; of course her leg hurts.

#7: I'm losing patience. Five trips to the bathroom, three times to calm her down about her leg. I'm a horrible nurse.

So I'm tired, crabby, whiney, impatient, CRABBY........

Today felt so chaotic and yet nothing happened.

But, on the bright side.....we're seeing the doctor tomorrow to at least get a timeline as to when Sam can get her cast on. I can then ask if I can give Sam any drugs (just kidding, but not really), why does she have to pee every 10 minutes and do I get drugs too.

Just kidding.
not really

1 comment:

Justin said...

I know it's gonna drive you nuts but the false alarms to the bathroom are pretty normal. Basically, think of not being able to move on your own accord or think of a trip to the bathroom taking 10x longer than normal. Any time you feel any inkling that you need to eliminate some waste you panic thinking of the effort to get there. Makes you nervous and makes you want to go at the first thought. When I was laid up I used to sit in the bathroom as long as I could until I swelled too much knowing how tough it would be to get back.

Hang in there, before you know it she will be back up and about.