Monday, April 21, 2008

Relay For Life

First, let me finally breathe a sigh of...well, not relief because nothing has been completed yet. I guess just a sigh in general. These last couple of weeks (and the next weeks to come) have been ultra busy for Bryce and I; yes, Piper is a slacker.

Saturday, Bryce, Piper and I participated in the Point Loma Relay for Life, which is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Two years ago, I had my own team, Legacy. I personally raised $1,000 and was super proud of myself! The team was in honor of my papa, Howard Jensen, who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2005. So I try to participate every year (except last year I had a brand new baby).

This year, our band, SinnerSaved, was invited to sing. And sing we was my last gig with the band. I also got to perform during the Luminaria Ceremony, which is a very special ceremony dedicated to those who have beat cancer or have passed away from it. I sang "Wind Beneath My Wings" and "Amazing Grace" (and was accompanied by my dad, on the guitar, for the last song). It was amazing (no pun intended). Mr. Robbie McKnight played the bagpipes as we walked around the track in honor of our loved ones. It was very emotional.

Here are some pics:

Me onstage with SinnerSaved. Diggin' my cowboy hat?

Piper taking a rest on the track after walking a thousand miles!
(Benny and Joon anyone?)

Me and Pip.

Bryce and Pip.


Piper eating a DELICIOUS chicken sandwich from Chik-fil-A.

Piper and Caden playing with Pip's baby doll.

Piper and Brooke playing together.

Brooke really likes Piper a lot!

She's a cruiser!

My niece Alexis taking a picture of me.

The loin, er, I mean, my dad!

Bryce thought it was just a 'little' cold.

The luminaria I made for my papa.

And here is a cute video:

She's so stinkin' cute!

I'll try to post some more before we actually move (if I have time).
Here's to tomorrow!

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