Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dressing My Best- Day 5- Monday

Oh my gosh. Sam is so stinkin' cute.

Okay, with that out of my system...
I didn't think this was one of my better days, but I was going to be spending a lot of it outside at the park, so I wanted to be comfortable.

Tube tops work if they're long enough and this one is definitely long enough. It was a wee bit windy, so I opted for my favorite black cardigan (from Mervyn's...sniff) and my new favorite shoes, my purple flats.

I normally never buy any colored shoes, but I've been a little more adventurous lately when shopping. I don't always have to buy shoes that I'm going to wear EVERY DAY. I can have special shoes (like my yellow sandals).

Maternity capris, well, they speak for themselves. Maternity clothes, the cheap kind, are never fantastic. But they work.

So yah, I was comfy, got lots of compliments on my purple flats and felt pretty good about myself.

1 comment:

Randy and Dionne Sillik said...

I like this outfit on you! :)