Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Day 28- Different Tastes

When people told me that my two babies would be different, I agreed. Sure, I've heard it so many times that it has got to be true.

What I didn't know was HOW different my two babies would be.

Food, for instance, is something that my girls have in common. They both like it. However, when Piper was Sam's age, she ate and ate and ate and ate and ate until her belly looked like one of those little African kids (sorry, but it was true). She ate all kinds of fruit, all kinds of veggies...she LOVED veggies. No meat (and still to this day not a fan of meat), but water, water, soy milk, juice, soy milk, water...it was crazy how much she consumed.

Sam barely eats! She scoffs at her oatmeal unless I sweeten it up. She pushes away her veggies, will eat only certain fruit. Yes to meat, but fights me over water, soy milk, rice milk, juice...no wonder she's so little. I've rarely felt her tummy to be tight. What is it with this kid?

They're both healthy and of course, Piper's eating habits changed when she got older. Now, she only wants a peanut butter honey samich or a peanut butter honey samich. Hey, at least she has good taste!

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