Whenever we're in Cali, I make a point to go there at least once. This trip, we were only able to make it twice, but that's okay. Once we did a nighttime visit and the other was during the day (which ended in Samantha having a GINORMOUS meltdown at the end of the Shamu show).
So, let me entertain with you with some of the memories we made:

Daddy getting attacked by the Green Sam-a-Lam.

Modeling it up...why is she so cute?

Da crew: Sam, Bryce, Piper, Sue, Cheryl, Alan and Cliff.
The fat one is taking the photo.

Mmmmm....funnel cake....with lots of ice cream and apples with caramel. So THIS is why I'm fat! Go figure...

Anxiously awaiting the Shamu Rocks! show, which, in my opinion, did not rock at all. Although that could have been due to us sitting all the way on the side.

Me showing off my raver moves with our glow sticks.
And then I ACTUALLY had some dork come up to me
and try to show me the "real" way to rave with my glow sticks.
Get offa me, CLOTH!

Sweet shot, Bryce.

I love, love, love Sam's dimples.

CHEEEEESE (this is what Sam is saying underneath her nuk too)!

This is how I felt when I got into the beautiful 76 degree sunshine at the coast.

Looking at the flamingos while I'm searching frantically for the hand sanitizer...and it was stinky too.

Piper, the super model.

A classic Samantha face as she tries to buckle the seatbelt.

Are we having fun yet?

Snack time before the show started.

Kick, fly, splash, aaaaand @%#$&...thanks man with the video camera for standing up during my shot.

Think Sam might be having a bit of a meltdown in this lovely family photo op?
Thanks Sea World for my buy one year, get the second year free Silver Passport!
I heart you. Except for your Pepsi products.
And your stinky flamingos.
1 comment:
Imma gonna miss me some sea world!!!
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